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The Measure of Health

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The Measure of Health

It is obvious at this point that we need some parameters to measure health.Some questions are required of us. For example: If we cure somebody of asthma and as a consequence, he develops a heart condition, how do we know that this new state of health is better or worse than his previous condition? If we treat a patient with a cardiac condition and he improves, but after a certain period of time he develops a phobic state or an anxiety neurosis, can we say that the treatment benefited the patient?

We shall see that in order for a treatment to be successful it has to push the disorder’s center of gravity more and more to the peripheral, the skin being the final avenue of expression, leaving the deepest parts of the human being – his mental and emotional levels – intact.

As I have said, the issue of determining an individual’s exact degree of health is a complicated task requiring much research and involving a number of parameters before precise answers are possible. But as a general rule of thumb, we can say that a good parameter for measuring the health of an individual is the degree to which he is free to create. Anybody who is basically healthy will seek to create rather than destroy. By creativity, as I have stated previously, I mean all those actions that promote the interests and good of oneself and others. To the degree that one commits destructive acts toward either himself or others, the degree to which he is diseased is apparent.